What is Parkinson's Disease?

Parkinson's disease is a chronic neurological disease that occurs when a substance called dopamine is depleted in the brain and is generally seen at advanced ages.

Parkinson's Disease: Symptoms begin to appear when the brain loses 60 to 80 percent of these cells.

How Is Parkinson's Disease Treated?

There are symptoms such as trembling on significantly one side of the body in a "counting money" style in the hands,slowing down in movements, non-participation of the arms in the body swing and walking, sticking to the body, dulling of the gaze and a decrease in facial expressions,a facial state that can be expressed as a "mask face", walking with small steps and leaning forward. Parkinson's patients initially respond positively to drug therapy, and for patients who do not respond positively to drug therapy with the progression of the disease or who experience severe drug side effects, DBS treatment gives satisfactory results.

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How is Parkinson's Diagnosed?

The diagnosis of Parkinson's disease is made with the help of clinical examination findings. The findings such as stiffness, heaviness, slowness, tremors, and difficulty inmovement that occur in patients are combined with the data obtained by the neurologists who examined them and information about the history of the disease, and the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease is clarified. Imaging methods used in the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease or some other neuroradiological evaluation methods are only used academically in scientific experimental studies to compare the results of studies with each other. Not used in daily clinical diagnostic practice.

Who have Parkinson's More Common?

Parkinson's disease is a disease of advanced age and is usually seen in people over 60 years of age. In 5 to 10% of patients, the age of on set is between 20 and 50 years old. Genetic causes should be investigated in young patients. The presence of Parkinson's disease in a parentor sibling in the family increases the risk of developing the disease in that person.

Parkinson's Treatment with DBS Technology

In Parkinson's patients who do not respond adequatelyto medical treatment or who experience severe drug side effects, DBS treatmentis on the agenda. DBS are devices that enable you to deliver electrical currentto any point in the human brain, thereby stimulating or suppressing theelectrical activity in the brain cells in the area where the electrical currentis applied. A ten-year-old Parkinson's patient can return to the early years ofhis disease with the application of DBS treatment. The disease is noteliminated, but the motor findings of the disease are significantly improved.Thanks to this treatment, people who cannot live independently and who aredisconnected from social life have the chance to live independently again, anda significant part of them can practice their profession again


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